Wednesday 27 May 2015

Blaine Anderson

Blaine Anderson

General Information
Hair Color:Dark Brown
Eye Color:Hazel
Address:New York City
Occupations:Broadway Actor
Director of Dalton Academy Warblers(former)
Co-director of William McKinley's New Directions (former)
Aliases:Nightbird (alter-ego)

Family & Friends
Family:Kurt Hummel (husband)
Unnamed daughter
Pam Anderson (mother)
Cooper Anderson (brother)
Unnamed mother-in-law✝
Burt Hummel (father-in-law)
Carole Hudson-Hummel(stepmother-in-law)
Finn Hudson (stepbrother-in-law)✝
Rachel Berry (surrogate) 
Relationships:Kurt Hummel (husband)
Jeremiah (former crush)
Sebastian Smythe (former crusher)
Eli.C (one-night stand)
Sam Evans (former crush)
Tina Cohen-Chang (former crusher)
David Karofsky (ex-boyfriend)
Friends:Sam Evans
Tina Cohen-Chang
Artie Abrams
Marley Rose
Mercedes Jones
Rachel Berry
Finn Hudson
Ryder Lynn
Jake Puckerman
Brittany Pierce
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Unique Adams
Noah Puckerman
New Directions
June Dolloway
The Warblers
Elliott Gilbert
Sebastian Smythe
Enemies:Hunter Clarington
Sue Sylvester

Other Information
Interests:Singing, Acting, Performing, LGBT rights, Star Wars Fanfiction, Crafting
Clique:New Directions (formerly)
Cheerios (formerly)
The Warblers
Education:Dalton Academy(transferred out)
McKinley High (graduated)
NYADA (dropped out)
Talent:Singing, Acting, Dancing, Piano, Guitar, Harmonica, Boxing, Polo, Fencing, Puppet-making
Vulnerabilities:Bullies, Attention, Insecurities, Rejection
Strengths:Singing, Performing, Dancing, Leadership
Weaknesses:Naivety, Cluelessness
Awards:2012 National Champion,
Polo and Fencing

Series Information
First episode:Never Been Kissed
Last episode:Dreams Come True
Portrayer:Darren Criss
Ravi Smith (Young Blaine)
Mark Salling (Tina's Dream)

Blaine Devon Anderson is a major character on Glee. He is an alumnus of McKinley High School and former Dalton Academy student. Blaine makes his debut in Season Two, in the episode Never Been Kissed as the lead singer of the Dalton Academy Warblers, but later transfers to William McKinley High School at the beginning of Season Three. Blaine is openly gay and is now married to Kurt Hummel as of the episode A Wedding. Despite the obstacles after their break-up in The Break-Up, Blaine reconciles with Kurt and goes on to propose to him at the beginning of Season Five. In New Directions, it is revealed he has been accepted into NYADA and, in the same episode, he graduates from McKinley, along with TinaArtieBeckyBrittany, and Sam. It is revealed in Season Six premiere that the engagement was called off and he was cut from NYADA after his grades slips because he is depressed, and he started dating Dave Karofsky afterwards. He was working at Dalton Academy as the coach of the Warblers until Dalton Academy burnt to ground with nothing left to save, so he joins New Directions alongside Kurt, Rachel and Will as a new co-director, while the Warblers join New Directions as well. Karofsky broke it off with Blaine when he realised their 'time was up' after Kurt came back to Lima. Blaine and Kurt finally got married in the final season.

He was a recurring character introduced in Season Two, but was promoted to the main cast in Season Three onwards. He is portrayed by actor and singer-songwriter Darren Criss.



Blaine is implied to come from a wealthy family. His older brother,Cooper, was very critical and domineering when they were young, and it is implied that Blaine is not very close to his father because of his sexuality. Before moving to Dalton Academy, Blaine went to a public school where he was constantly bullied because of his sexuality. Just after he came out, he attended a Sadie Hawkins dance with a friend who was the only other openly gay student at his school. While waiting for his friend's dad to pick them up, he and his friend were jumped by three homophobic bullies and were beat mercilessly. Blaine then decided to transfer to Dalton because of their zero-tolerance bullying policy and has soon gained a lot more confidence since.


Blaine first appears at Dalton Academy, where he runs into Kurt, who is trying to spy on the school's glee club. After leading him down a shortcut to the senior commons, it is revealed that Blaine is the lead singer of the Warblers during a performance of Teenage Dream. Kurt and Blaine later have coffee with Wes and David where Blaine accurately guesses that Kurt is having trouble with bullies at McKinley High. He then gives him advice to stay strong and stand up to Karofsky. Blaine is later approached by Kurt again to confront Karofsky, after his first confrontation ended with Karofsky unexpectedly kissing him. However, Karofsky becomes violently defensive, pushing Blaine against a fence, and leaves. Kurt becomes saddened about Karofsky being his first kiss that "counted." In hopes to cheer him up, Blaine takes Kurt out to lunch and Kurt begins to see Blaine as a role model.
Blaine and Kurt have become very close friends as Kurt even breaks plans to hang out with his best friend, Mercedes. After doing this a second time, Kurt invites Mercedes to a dinner with Blaine at Breadstix where Blaine reveals a little about himself, such as his love for Vogue, his stance on politics involving the gay community Baby, It's Cold Outside, and his love for college football. It is then clear that Kurt is too immersed with Blaine to even spend time with his friend.
Blaine tries to help Kurt acclimate to the customs of Dalton Academy and seemingly aloof Warblers. After Kurt unsuccessfully auditions for a solo at Sectionals with Don't Cry for Me Argentina, Blaine advises Kurt to not try to stick out so much. When Kurt's ward, Pavarotti, appears to have fallen ill, he asks for Blaine's help. Blaine then explains that Pavarotti is merely molting, and tells him that he has "got food, water, he seems to like his cage. Just give it a little while. He'll be singing again in no time," which can be taken as a metaphor for Kurt. The Warblers went on to perform Hey, Soul Sister at Sectionals and tied for first place with the New Directions.
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Kurt and Blaine singing Baby, It's Cold Outside
While Kurt studies in one of the commons, Blaine pops in and tells him that he is studying too much and convinces Kurt to help him rehearse a duet he is doing for an off-campus performance. After they both finish singing Baby, It's Cold Outside, Blaine asserts that his female partner will definitely not be as good as Kurt, leaving Kurt smiling. When Blaine leaves, Will, visiting from Lima to ask Kurt for advice on getting a gift for Sue, asks Kurt if Blaine is someone special. Kurt lets him know that he and Blaine are just friends, but admits that he is in love with him.

After practicing a sassy number of Bills, Bills, Bills with the Warblers for Regionals, Blaine and Kurt have coffee with Rachel and Mercedes at The Lima Bean. When the girls let them know their problems at McKinley and how the football team is down several players, Blaine reveals that the football team only needs four more members to compete. Later on, he attends the McKinley Championship football game with Kurt where he watches the girls playing football with the guys and is later seen enjoying the performance of Thriller/Heads Will Roll.
Blaine jeremiah
Blaine serenading Jeremiah.
Blaine is out with Kurt at The Lima Bean once again, exchanging opinions on Valentine's Day, which he admits is his favorite holiday. He also tells to Kurt that he has a crush on a guy and asks his advice on if it would be too cheesy if he sang his feelings to . At this point, Kurt assumes that it is him Blaine was referring to and happily encourages Blaine. During an emergency Warbler council meeting, Blaine reveals that he is in love with the junior manager of the Gap at the local mall, much to Kurt's shock, and wants to serenade his crush with help from the Warblers. Blaine serenades his crush, Jeremiah, at the mall by singing a rather inappropriate song, When I Get You Alone, with Kurt and the Warblers. After the performance, Blaine anxiously waits for Jeremiah with Kurt outside. When Jeremiah comes out, he rebuffs Blaine's feelings and tells him that he was not only outed by the performance, but fired from his job as well. Jeremiah then mentions that a relationship between the two would not work, since Blaine is a minor and it would be an illegal.
Heartbroken, Blaine becomes more cynical towards Valentine's Day, lamenting over the fact that he made the relationship all up in his head. Frustrated with Blaine's obliviousness, Kurt then reveals to Blaine that he has feelings for him and that he believed that all the flirting between them meant something more. Blaine then admits that he is clueless and cares about Kurt, but wants them to remain friends since he is inexperienced at dating. Kurt accepts this and compares their relationship to the film When Harry Met Sally, in which the two main characters ended up together. Blaine and Kurt are then seen at the end of the episode, performing Silly Love Songs with the Warblers for the crowd at Breadstix, including Kurt's friends.

Blaine during Spin the Bottle.
Blaine attends Rachel's basement party with Kurt where Blaine gets really drunk and ends up making out with Rachel during a game of spin the bottle. Afterwards, Blaine and Rachel sing Don't You Want Me on Rachel's makeshift Oscar stage. Because Blaine was so drunk and unable, Kurt lets him sleep at his house where he is discovered the next morning in Kurt's bed by Kurt's father, Burt. While Blaine is out on another coffee date with Kurt, Rachel calls Blaine and asks him out, to which he accepts. Blaine then begins to question his sexuality, to which Kurt dismisses that bisexuality does not exist. Blaine gets upset at Kurt for not understanding his confusion and accuses Kurt of acting like Karofsky, storming out afterwards. Blaine agrees to date Rachel, but Rachel tells Kurt that while the date was lovely, there was no kiss at the end like she had expected. After Kurt mocks the date for being too gay, Rachel bets that she can kiss Blaine, while sober, to prove that he is at least bisexual. However, when she actually does kiss Blaine, he confirms that he is without a doubt "100% gay." Rachel does not take the news badly, as she believes it would be perfect drama and inspiration for writing an original song.
Sue visits Kurt at the Lima Bean, where he is having coffee with Blaine. In an effort to form an alliance, Sue tells them about how New Directions are set to perform "sexy numbers" and encourages them to out sex them to impress the judges at Regionals. Despite Kurt being dismissive, Blaine immediately decides that the Warblers need to be sexier. He invites the girls from Dalton's sister school, Crawford Country Day, to view a Warbler performance of Animal to test their sex appeal. During the performance, Blaine notices how awkward Kurt's sexy faces are and tells him he needs lessons on how to look sexy. However, Kurt's lack of sexual knowledge causes a rift between them and Blaine believes that extra steps need to be taken. Blaine approaches Burt at his auto shop and boldly asks him to give Kurt "the talk." Sensing that Burt is uncomfortable, Blaine confides to him that his relationship with his father is not the same as Burt's with Kurt. He tells him that he worked on a car with his father because he believed his father wanted him to get his hands dirty to make him straight. He also reveals that his father never had "the talk" with him and he had to search himself. He advises Burt to initiate the sex discussion because he fears that Kurt will be ill-informed due to him shying away from the subject
Blaine during Blackbird.
Blaine opens the episode, singing lead in Misery, where an unimpressed Kurt tries to ignore him. After the performance, Kurt tells him that sometimes it feels that they are not The Warblers, but "Blaine and The Pips." Blaine then rebuffs this claim by saying the council decides who sings. During a meeting with the Warblers, Kurt informs everyone that Pavarotti has died and sings Blackbird as an ode to their fallen ward. It is then that Blaine realizes that he is in love with Kurt. At the next meeting, Blaine proposes that they try something different and pitches a duet with him and Kurt for Regionals, much to Kurt's surprise. The Warblers follow Blaine's lead and calls for a vote where they unanimously decide that Blaine and Kurt will perform the duet together. Blaine later interrupts Kurt decorating Pavarotti's casket to rehearse their duet. Blaine finally tells Kurt how he feels and admits that he wants to be with Kurt. He tells him that Kurt moves him and leans in for their first kiss. Blaine backs away, bashful, and remarks that they should practice. Kurt impishly replies, "I thought we were," and both boys initiate a more passionate second kiss. At the Regionals competition, Blaine and Kurt perform Candles and Blaine ends the performance with Raise Your Glass. In the end, they do not win at Regionals, mostly due to one of the judges' homophobic views, and New Directions advance to Nationals. Afterwards, Blaine and Kurt bury Pavarotti and Blaine says that despite their loss, they still have each other. They hold hands as they walk away from Pavarotti's grave.
Blaine goes with Kurt to McKinley for the benefit concert New Directions is holding for the The Brainiacs. He comments that Kurt seems to miss McKinley. The pair are then interrupted by Karofsky, who starts insulting their presence at the school. Blaine then bravely stands up to Karofsky and shoves him. Karofsky then shoves Blaine back and before things can escalate, Santana intervenes and threatens Karofsky to leave them alone. Blaine and Kurt are revealed to be the only ones, other than The Heckling Club, attending the concert. Despite this, they enjoy the performances and support Kurt's friends.
Blaine joins Kurt and his friends Mercedes, Santana and Tina at the Lima Bean to discuss the possibility of Kurt transferring back to McKinley. Blaine chimes in saying that if it was not for Karofsky, he would be all for it and that he just wants Kurt to be safe. This helps Santana cook up a scheme to get Kurt back to McKinley and win prom queen. When Santana's plan works and Kurt transfers, Blaine decides to serenade him with Somewhere Only We Know in the McKinley courtyard with the Warblers as a way to say goodbye. As the song ends, Kurt hugs Blaine, tears in both their eyes. During the hug, Kurt tells him that he will never say goodbye to him. Blaine takes one last look at Kurt as he joins his friends, knowing he will be happy with his friends, and leaves.
"Excuse me. May I have this dance?"
Blaine and Kurt are having dinner at Breadstix where Kurt asks Blaine out to his junior prom. Blaine is reluctant to go at first and reveals that he once asked a guy out to a Sadie Hawkins dance at his old school and three guys had beaten them up. Kurt tells him that he does not have to go if he does not feel comfortable. Touched, Blaine agrees to go to prom with Kurt. Later, at Kurt's house, Kurt shows Blaine, Finn and Burt the outfit he plans to wear to prom: a kilt. Blaine then agrees with Burt when he tells Kurt that kilt is attracting unwanted attention. Kurt gets defensive and says he will go to prom in his kilt with or without Blaine. At the prom, Blaine and Kurt dance to PuckSam and Artie's energetic performance of Friday, but decide to skip the slow dance to Rachel's Jar of Hearts, fearing backlash. Blaine performs next with Brittany and Tina, singing I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You. During his performance, a fight breaks out between Finn and Jesse St. James over Rachel. In a shocking twist, Kurt finds that he has been voted prom queen as a cruel joke with Karofsky being the prom king. Blaine chases Kurt into the hall after he runs away, hurt over the fact that the students decided to humiliate him. While in the hallway, Blaine attempts to comfort him by telling him that it was just a stupid joke. Kurt states that the bullies cannot touch them or what they have and gains the confidence to go out there and get coronated. Kurt accepts his crown and sceptor and prepares to have the King and Queen dance with Karofsky. When Karofsky, afraid of being outed in front of everyone, runs off saying he cannot dance with Kurt, Blaine steps in and asks Kurt to dance during Mercedes and Santana's performance of Dancing Queen. At the end of the episode, Blaine and Kurt are seen taking a photo together with the rest of New Directions.
Blaine and Kurt are having another coffee date with each other, following the New Directions' devastating loss at Nationals in New York. Blaine then tells Kurt that he loves him for the first time. Kurt says that he loves Blaine too and states that he has had a pretty good year.


Originally, Blaine is portrayed as a young man with a confident exterior that often belies his insecurities. He is very composed and shows a lot of self-control, but there are times when he throws himself into situations impulsively, such as serenading another guy in public and subsequently getting him fired or seeking out Burt to give Kurt the "sex talk." There are other times that shows Blaine having a temper, such as when he snapped at Sam in Hold on to Sixteen for rejecting his suggestions. He is increasingly portrayed as someone who approves the idea of "fitting in." While he's not afraid of being openly gay, he still prefers to act socially acceptable and warns Kurt that trying too hard and showing too much can be detrimental, as proven in the episodes Special Education and Prom Queen.
After moving to McKinley in Season Three, Blaine has shown a more needier, attention-seeking side such as the time his older brother, Cooper visited Lima or when Kurt was texting another guy. Despite his flaws, he remains to be a very passionate and caring young man and loves Kurt dearly.
In Season Four, after encouraging Kurt to leave for New York, Blaine finds himself alone and seeks solice in his friends, Sam and Tina. It is in this time that Blaine shows a more campy, fun side to him and loosens up from his composed, reserved self that he held when he was attending Dalton Academy. He has also grown more dramatic, especially due to his stress about senior year, as shown in Season Five when he catches Sam and Tina tongue-kissing whilst locking themselves in the school for the evening and accuses them of ruining the night he had so perfectly planned.
Towards the midpoint of Season Five, after moving to New York, Blaine's reserved, conservative personality starts coming back, especially in "Tested," when he begins emotionally eating and reading porn websites to deal with his insecurities about Kurt taking batter care of himself and having a brand new independence and maturity, which leads to him feeling as though their relationship is suddenly becoming a battlefield between two guys and not liking the way he feels about himself anymore, which he confides in Kurt, in tears.


In Silly Love Songs, it was Valentine's week and Blaine had revealed to Kurt and the Warblers that he was in love. Naturally, with all the time they had spent together, Kurt was under the impression that Blaine was in love with him, but it turned out that Blaine was in love with Jeremiah, a junior manager at GAP, and had planned to serenade him at his work with When I Get You Alone. However, the performance ended up outing Jeremiah and subsequently getting him fired. Jeremiah later rejects Blaine's feelings because they only went out for coffee twice and dating him would be illegal.

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