Santana Diabla Lopez is a major character on Glee, and is an alumna of William McKinley High School as of Goodbye. She served as the co-captain of the Cheerios, as a member of the school's Glee Club, the New Directions and was previously a member of the all-girls second Glee Club, The Troubletones.
In Season Four, she started school as a student at The University of Louisville where she had been given a full scholarship in cheerleading. However, in Diva, it is revealed that she dropped out prior because she didn't enjoy what she was doing there. In the same episode, she moves to New York and becomes roommates with Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, and Brody Weston, who is living there with Rachel and Kurt at the time. She gets kicked out in Feud, but moves back in at the end of Guilty Pleasures.
As of Lights Out, Santana attends a NYADA extension class for dance, something she says she has enjoyed doing ever since she was a child. She has many side jobs, such as being a waitress at the Spotlight Diner, and being an actress; starring in a commercial for Yeast I Stat. In Frenemies, she is cast as Rachel's understudy in Funny Girl, starting a feud between them that gets both Rachel and Santana kicked out of Kurt's band, previously named Pamela Lansbury, now called One Three Hill. In New Directions she resigned as the understudy of Rachel in Funny Girl.
In The Back-Up Plan Mercedes tries to help get Santana in her recording deal. As of Old Dog, New Tricks, she becomes Rachel's publicist. She was on tour with Mercedes and Brittany. She proposed to Brittany in Jagged Little Tapestry. They got married in A Wedding.
She was initially a major recurring character and the teen antagonist (along with Quinn) in Season One, but was promoted to a main character in Season Two until she got demoted again for Season Six, due to Naya's own request.
She is portrayed by Naya Rivera.
Santana is introduced as an antagonist alongside Quinn. Together with Brittany, they are The Unholy Trinity, the three most popular cheerleaders at school. She is seen as a bitchy cheerleader who takes pride in her cruel attitude.
She has a very minor appearance in this episode. is seen with Quinn and several other Cheerios smirking and laughing at Rachel's On My Own video on leaving offensive comments about the song and her. She approaches Finn and Rachel in the hallway with Quinn and watches her asking Finn what he's doing talking to Rachel. Later she is seen, along with Sue and Quinn, watching the New Directions' performance of Don't Stop Believin'.
Towards the beginning of the episode, while Will and Emma are having a friendly conversation Santana and Quinn walk past with Santana then saying "get a room" and Quinn saying to Will that Coach Sylvester wants to see him in her office. Santana is then later seen in the Celibacy Club with the rest of the Cheerios including Quinn and Brittany with Rachel sitting by herself on the opposite side. Puck then comments to the boys of the Celibacy Club that the Cheerios' skirts are "crunchy toast" and that he can "see her ovaries" referring to Santana when she bends over. Then it goes back to the girls and Santana is seen twirling with her skirt flying around with the rest of the girls saying "It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing." Then with them all playfully dancing. At the meeting where the boys meet up with the girls, Santana pairs up with Puck for the "balloon exercise," and is disgusted when he jokes around with the balloon.Later on in the episode, Santana and the rest of the Cheerios watch the Glee Club singing Push It in the school pep assembly. Later she auditions for the New Directions with Quinn and Brittany, performing background vocals for I Say a Little Prayer. This audition is part of Sue's plan to infiltrate the club with spies. When Santana, Quinn, and Brittany are told by Sue about her plan, Santana looks pleased and high-fives Brittany.
Santana and Puck
Santana is first seen in the episode with the rest of the New Directions in the choir room rehearsing. Then she is seen walking beside Rachel with Quinn trying to persuade Rachel to tell Will that his choreographing is terrible and that they need to hire someone else, but really they are trying to sabotage the Glee Club. While Mercedes is looking down because she doesn't have a boyfriend, Santana is seen making out with Puck and this reveales that the two are dating. She is then seen again in Sue's office along with Quinn telling Sue about their plan. After that Santana is seen confronting Puck over his bad credit score and says that she needs someone who can support her financially, breaking up with Puck in the process. This then leads to Puck being interested in older women because he thinks that "young girl's shoot you down and make you feel terrible." Santana along with Quinn and Brittany, encourages Mercedes to go out with Kurt in order to destroy the New Directions. The three spies then convince the Glee Club to hire professional choreographer Dakota Stanley. Santana goes to Carmel High School with the club to ask him to choreograph for New Directions.
She is seen at the glee rehearsals, sitting next to Brittany and Quinn. She is seen cheering on the football team.
Santana sings background vocals in Last Name, and Somebody to Love with the Glee Club members. She looks shocked when Puck reveals Quinn's pregnancy.
Santana is given pseudo-ephedrine by Terri and sings background vocals in the Halo/Walking on Sunshine mash-up with the New Directions Girls and at the end of the episode they are found out by Mr. Schue that they were cheating by taking pseudo-ephedrine.
Santana reports details on New Directions to Sue, along with Quinn and Brittany. When Sue becomes co-director of the club, she picks Santana for her "elite glee club." In her group, she performs background vocals in Hate on Me. She then sings Ride wit Me, and Keep Holding On with the entire Glee Club. Mr. Schuester notes that she is Latina near the end of the episode.
Santana gets jealous when Puck sings Sweet Caroline to Rachel. She, along with the other Glee Club members, waits to see if the boys would choose Glee or the Football Team and is happy when she sees Matt and Mike entering the music room. She is seen hugging Matt and saying 'I Love You'. She performs background vocals in Bust a Move with all the other members. She then slushies Mr. Schuester at the end of the episode with the other members because he said that he had never been slushied before when he went to school.
Santana is forced to spend three hours a day in a wheelchair, which she didn't enjoy. She disapproves of the idea of a bake sale, saying that they are kind of bougie, but after some convincing, she helps with the sale along with Finn, Puck, and Quinn, but ends up eating most of the drug-filled cupcakes. She is seen performing background vocals in Proud Mary with the rest of the Glee Club.
Santana picks Brittany as her ballad partner. She performs background vocals in Lean on Me. Santana and Brittany's duet is not shown in the episode.
Santana is seen watching the performance of Jane Addams Academy and learning "hairography" from Brittany. She confronts Quinn angrily, warning her to stay away from "her man," Puck. She tells her that they were sexting while he and Quinn were babysitting - and that nobody can erase her super hot sexts. She also remarks that asking someone to babysit is "so nineties." She performs background vocals in Hair/Crazy in Love, Imagine, and True Colors with the Glee Club.
Santana is briefly seen with Brittany, drawing on Rachel's picture in a school yearbook. She performs background vocals in Jump and Smile.
She is included in a five-party phone call in which Brittany reveals they have slept together. When she and Brittany are accused of giving Sue the set-list she defends herself, but Brittany admits she was the one to do it although her actions were unintentional. When Quinn reveals that Sue orders the Cheerios to spy on Glee Club, she admits that no one is forcing her to stay in the club - she likes Glee and it's "the best part of her day." However, she said if anyone in the club told anyone that she said that, she would deny it because she likes being popular and not being a Lima loser. She performs background vocals in You Can't Always Get What You Want and My Life Would Suck Without You, and is also seen listening in on the judges at sectionals' comments.
Sue assigns Santana and Brittany to go after Finn in order to humiliate Rachel and get her to quit Glee Club. They ask him on a date with both of them. He accepts, but their "date" proves to be horrible, as the two girls spend all the date abusing the waitress staff, bad mouthing their 'friends' (Finn included), and demanding that he pay for them, despite keeping him out of the conversation. However, they do offer to make out in front of him. She performs background vocals in Gives You Hell and Hello, Goodbye.

After Sue asks the Cheerios to date younger men like Madonna, Brittany advises Santana to try to date Finn, and that the best way to have Finn is to take his virginity. Santana then gives Finn the chance to lose his virginity with her, which he accepts after learning that Rachel is still dating Jesse St. James. In a fantasy sequence, she, along with Finn, sings Like a Virgin, which later becomes reality as at the end, they have sex. She behaves blasé about the event, while Finn feels empty because it meant nothing. She i s the one that says she knows Jesse is a spy. She is seen dancing with the Cheerios in Ray of Light and 4 Minutes and performs background vocals in Like a Prayer.

Britt and Santana
Santana is seen during Kurt's performance of A House Is Not a Home she is seen with her head on Brittany's shoulder while their pinkies are linked. She is then seen giving her opinion to Mercedes on Sue's vomit-inducing drink, saying that she would rather drink it than being kicked off the Cheerios. She performs background vocals in Beautiful and Home.
Santana instantly blames Puck for starting the Glist because Quinn is first. However, she isn't personally bothered because she is second. She performs background vocals in Ice Ice Baby as well as in Run Joey Run.
Santana becomes extremely jealous when Puck starts singing with Mercedes in Glee Club. When they start dating, she confronts Mercedes by singing her first solo in the duet, The Boy Is Mine. Santana sings background vocals in One.
Santana plays a minor role as she is seen during Glee Club meetings. She sings background vocals in Dream a Little Dream.

Santana in Lady Gaga costume
Santana sings main vocals with the girls' and Kurt's performance of Bad Romance. For the performance, Santana wears her rendition of a giant black bow hat and a black lacy body suit, similar to one worn by Lady Gaga. She is then seen watching the boys performance of Shout It out Loud and Beth. Santana goes with the rest of New Directions to protect Kurt and Finn from Azimo and Karofsky and is seen laughing at the end of the episode because Mercedes says they looks weird.
Santana and the rest of the Cheerios fall into a depression when cheerleading coach Sue refuses to get out of bed. She is seen crying with her hair down and loose and watches Finn, Puck, and Mercedes singing Good Vibrations. She is stunned when Jesse St. James transfers back to Vocal Adrenaline. Sue finally gets out of bed and they go on to win Nationals which restores the Cheerios to their normal selves. Sue takes her Nationals trophy to Will's house, with help from Santana and Brittany, to gloat about her victory. She performs backup vocals and the "Naya dance" in Give up the Funk. She joins New Directions in making Vocal Adrenaline jealous.

"I hated everyone in this club"
Santana discusses Sue's placement as a judge at Regionals with the rest of the club and admits that Sue told her and Brittany she is planning to "crush the club." At Regionals, she is told by Mr. Schue to keep focused when she says "we know we can't win." She performs a solo in Don't Stop Believin' , along with Puck and background vocals in Any Way You Want It/Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'. She later accompanies Quinn to the hospital and hears the results of Regionals with the rest of Glee Club. Back at school, believing the club to be over, Santana admits that before Glee she "hated everyone in the club." She is seen crying and singing in To Sir, with Love, in which she has a solo. When the continuation of the club is announced, she is seen linking pinkies with Brittany and smiling during Over the Rainbow.
Santana, like Quinn, has been primarily shown to be something of a cheerleading stereotype. Quick to pass judgment, and insult and even bully other people. She views her bitchy behavior as honesty. Santana seems to find no issue flaunting her spot on the social ladder that is High School or to be promiscuous to remain on top. At the beginning of series, she acts more like a sidekick to Quinn, following her orders and usually letting her do all the talking. This changes when Quinn is kicked off the Cheerios by Sue due to being pregnant, thus making Santana the head cheerleader.
Santana also demonstrates occasional signs of kindness, usually with the Glee Club after a good performance or in her interactions with Brittany. Deep down Santana is less concieted than she appears to be. She has admitted that she loves being in Glee Club, and that it is the best part of her day. She follows up this confession with instructions that if anyone asks, they are to say that she hates it, showing that she cares a lot about her image. Santana has grown to be a better person through Glee, she actively admits to hating the people in the club before joining, but now views them as her equals, closest friends, and even considers them her family (whom she is highly protective of). Now she is more caring and compassionate toward others, for instance, comforting Rachel, her former enemy when Rachel had her pregnancy scare. Still, she can be seen as an antagonist because of her mean streak which is mainly displayed in the show.
She is extremely emotional at certain times for ridiculous reasons (losing tanning privileges or missing out on the Breadstix passes), and is often comforted by Brittany. Santana gets jealous quite easily, especially when it concerns her sexual partners. She has displayed hostility towards Rachel, Quinn, Mercedes, Lauren, Artie, Rory and Sam when they are seen to be in a relationship with Puck or Brittany. It is very possible that she does this because she is simply lonely, which is why she wants to show off her image and reputation.

Santana is also known to be manipulative and persuasive. For example, when Brittany chose Artie over her she lied to Brittany about cheating so she and Brittany could continue to intimate. Santana tries to get what she wants through scheming, always making plans that would have results in her favor, but most times it backfires. For example, In Born This Way, she made a plan to get more votes for Prom Queen that includes: Using Karofsky's sexually to blackmail him to being her 'Beard' and to stop being a bully so she could get Kurt to enroll be in Mckinley. However, Kurt ended up winning the crown.
Santana can be considered the most perceptive character on the show. she is always finding out others secrets just by observing. For instance, when she found out Quinn was cheating on Sam with Finn just by noticing the changes, small changes in Quinn and Finn's behavior. She uses this ability to her advantage. When it comes to friendships and romantic relationships she takes them very seriously. Whenever someones try to her those she cares for she is becomes very defensive, examples including confronting Sebastain and the Warblers, alone, when he slushied Blaine resulting in Blaine having eye surgery.
Santana describes herself as a "closeted lesbian" in Born This Way. She is seen to be something of a nymphet in the first two seasons. She has dated and slept with many guys although she didn't have any deep feeling for them; most of the time she was involved with them only in exchange for popularity/status, and has also had sex with Brittany on what is implied to have been multiple occasions, as shown in the episode Duets: she mentioned to Brittany that making out was a "nice break from all that scissoring." It seems, however, that she is either afraid or embarrassed by her same-sex attractions, when she tells Brittany that she isn't making out with her because she is in love with her, even though Brittany said nothing of the sort. It would make sense in the context, though, because Brittany had proposed a duet by famous out singer Melissa Etheridge.
In addition to her relationship with Brittany, Santana's sexuality is addressed in the fifteenth episode of season Two, Sexy, after Holly Holliday returns to McKinley as a Sex Ed teacher. She says she "doesn't know" when she is asked if she thinks she might be a lesbian, but admits having been attracted to both men and women in the past. Santana, after asking Holly Holliday help to express her feelings through a song (Landslide), finally admits to being in love with Brittany, and though Brittany admits to loving her back, she can't bring herself to break up with Artie - who she also loves - to be with Santana. After the song, and deeply considering her feelings for Brittany, she explicitly compared her situation with Kurt's, tells Brittany "I don't want to be with Sam, or Finn, or any of those other guys; I just want you!," refers to Artie as "just a stupid boy," and makes a disparaging remark about Brittany's evident sexual fluidity, leading some fans and commentators to believe she is a lesbian which was later confirmed at Paley Fest 2011.
Brad Falchuk was quoted as saying in upcoming episodes regarding Brittana, they want "Santana to come to grips with being a lesbian and how she deals with it." They will "explore Brittana as individuals, but it will definitely come back to Brittana." Falchuk added. "We want to make sure everybody is included. Santana is a lesbian. She might not be ready to come out yet, but she is." In Born This Way during a voiceover Santana admits that she is a closeted lesbian, and later tells Dave Karofsky that they "play on the same team". When Brittany gave her a shirt she made her for the Born This Way number that said "Lebanese"(supposed to say lesbian), Santana tells Brittany that she can't tell anyone about it and doesn't perform in the number. But, she is later seen in the audience wearing the "Lebanese" shirt. The "lesbian" storyline continues into the third season, and leads to Santana being pushed out of the closet by Finn. She fully admits to it and later tells her parents that she is a lesbian.
Santana and Brittany are both members of the Cheerios and best friends. They are considered just friends until Sectionals, when it is revealed that they had slept together. This was confirmed during a promo on the Fox website; "Glee-wind: Season One Relationships," where they are labeled as best friends with benefits. There are many hints in episodes that gives the indication that they are more than friends and in Duets, it contains the first scene of them as a couple, in which they make out on Brittany's bed. It is obvious that they have been together before as in response to Brittany saying that she loves 'sweet lady kisses', Santana says 'it's a nice break from all that scissoring'. Santana also remarks that she only with Brittany just because Puck is in juvy, and that she is like a lizard and needs something warm beneath her or she can't digest her food adn that she doesn't loves her. Brittany then starts a relationship with Artie to make Santana jealous and bans Santana from having sex with her.
Santana and Brittany are both members of the Cheerios and best friends. They are considered just friends until Sectionals, when it is revealed that they had slept together. This was confirmed during a promo on the Fox website; "Glee-wind: Season One Relationships," where they are labeled as best friends with benefits. There are many hints in episodes that gives the indication that they are more than friends and in Duets, it contains the first scene of them as a couple, in which they make out on Brittany's bed. It is obvious that they have been together before as in response to Brittany saying that she loves 'sweet lady kisses', Santana says 'it's a nice break from all that scissoring'. Santana also remarks that she only with Brittany just because Puck is in juvy, and that she is like a lizard and needs something warm beneath her or she can't digest her food adn that she doesn't loves her. Brittany then starts a relationship with Artie to make Santana jealous and bans Santana from having sex with her.
In Sexy, Santana admits to Brittany that she loves her and wants to be with her. Brittany says that she loves her too, but has feelings for Artie too. Santana leaves, angry and upset. In Original Song, Brittany approches Santana outside her locker asking if she did anything wrong. Santana still upset from being rejected by her, is hostile and says 'I don't know. Did you? All I know is that you blew me off, to be Stubbles McCripple Pants. Its fines, Its your loss cause now I get the chance to write an awesome heterosexual song about Sam that we're gonna sing at regionals.' In Born This Way, Santana hatches a plan to win Brittany back which involves getting Kurt to come back to McKinely. Brittany also tries to help Santana come to term with her being a lesbian and makes her a mispelt shirt saying 'Lebanese' instead of leasbian for their Glee Club task. Brittany storms off saying that ' I do love you, clearly you don't love you as much as I do or you'd put the shirt on and dance with me.' Santana doesn't join in the dance, but is seen sitting in the auditorium seats wearing her Lebanese shirt. In Rumours, Brittany, on her internet talkshow, says that Santana plays for another team meaning that she now plays for New Direction and not the Cheerios. Mad, Santana approaches Brittany arguing that she could've phrased it differently. After Brittany breaks up with Artie, Santana brings Brittany to the choir room and sings Songbird to her to cheer her up. Brittany wants her to come on Fondue for Two, so she can tell Santana how she feels, and then ask her to prom. Santana agrees. However, Santana doesn't show for the Fondue for Two episode. Afterwards, Jacob grills Santana about her relationship with David Karofsky, while Brittany sadly watches. Santana assures him their relationship is going strong.
In Season Three, they officially start dating in Pot o' Gold over dinner at Breadstix. Santana asks if they can 'talk about the thing that they never talk about'. Asking whether they are dating or not, Brittany says that she thought they were on a date, just like last week when they were sharing a bath together. She also stated that last year she said 'If I'm single and you're single, we'd mingle'. In Mash Off Santana finally makes her relationship with Brittany public after being outed by Finn, and reveals to her family that she is a lesbian. Their relationship continues for the rest of the season.
In Season Four, Santana ends their relationship in The Break-Up, stating that their long distance relationship isn't working and that she'll always love her the most. By that time Santana is attending the University of Louisville and Brittany is repeating her senior year. In Diva, she makes an attempt to win Brittany back after hearing about Brittany dating Sam, but eventually gives up.
In Season Five, They share a kiss in 100, but Santana backs away saying that it isn't a good idea. In New Directions they get back together, planning to take a holiday to Lesbos Island so they can spend time with each other, and then move in together. Finding out that Lesbos Island wasn't full of lesbians, Santana buys them plane tickets to New York and asks Brittany to come with her to NY, to which she agrees.
In Season Six episode Jagged Little Tapestry Santana asks Brittany to marry her and she says yes making them engaged. In episode A Wedding they got married.
Solos (In a Group Number)
Season One | ||
Song | Episode | Solos with |
Express Yourself | The Power of Madonna | Mercedes, Quinn, Rachel, and Tina |
Like a Virgin | Emma, Finn, Jesse, Rachel, and Will | |
Bad Romance | Theatricality | Kurt, Mercedes, Quinn, and Tina |
Don't Stop Believin' | Journey | Artie, Finn, Kurt, Mercedes, Puck, and Rachel |
To Sir, with Love | Artie, Finn, Kurt, Mercedes, Rachel, and Tina |
great job Meghan. from your boy friend
ReplyDeleteThank you for that my honey bear.
DeleteAwesome job.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that my honey bear.